Welcome to ABA-CEU

Where learning is enjoyable! Our website makes getting your CEU’s a carefree process where you can hone your skills and keep your BACB certification!

ACE Certified

We are an approved BACB continuing education provider. Online courses count as Learning CEU's for all certification levels (BCaBA's, BCBA's, and BCBA-D's).

Immediate Certificates

Certificates are automatically generated after you pass the quiz. Retake our quizzes as many times as you need until you pass! Certificates must be downloaded to a laptop/desktop. All other features are mobile/Ipad friendly. Certificates will be saved to your account if using a mobile/Ipad.

Account Access

Create your account to start purchasing, learning, and earning credits. We have built a simple system to keep you certified and our content is always up-to-date!
What We Believe

We believe in providing a user friendly experience, where the Behavior Analyst can focus on learning and we provide the rest. If there is anything than can be done to enhance your CEU learning experience please submit questions, comments, or feedback on our feedback form.

What People Say

Don’t just take our word for it. Here is some customer feedback on how our website has changed their perception of getting certified online

Kari Rush

Kari Rush (Ek) is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst from Tampa Florida. She received her Bachelors degree in Psychology from Minnesota State University, Mankato and her Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of South Florida. She has been published in the International Journal of Psychological Studies and Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice. Kari is a working mom with a daughter born in November 2019 and another daughter born in December 2020.

Our Promise
Our promise to you is that we provide an easy, user friendly experience with up-to-date research and information.
We are dedicated to updating the website frequently with fresh content so that you do not need to find new CEU opportunities each renewal cycle. If you do not see a topic you are interested in, simply send us a quick email and we will work hard to build some new content that fits your needs!
Get Certified
Sign up for an account by providing us with your name, BACB certification number, email address and create a password.
Sign up and create an account. Click on the course you are interested in, pay for the course, and complete the course. Afterward you have unlimited access to your certificate and can download it as a PDF for your files. Staying BACB certified has never been more simple!
Simple and Easy
Take the quiz as many times as needed, afterward your certificate is immediately available to you.
Once you purchase a course you will have access to the course lesson. Complete the lesson by reading or reviewing and take the quiz. The quizzes consist of 10 multiple choice questions, in which you must score 80% or better to pass. Take the quiz as many times as needed, afterward your certificate is immediately available to you.
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